Saturday, December 29, 2012

I gave a talk in Mandarin!

NTNU library
Thursday, I achieved one of my long-term goals: To give a professional speech in Mandarin! I gave a talk to 30 faculty colleagues and a few students and staff at National Taiwan Normal University. It was a simple 10-minute speech about my my current Fulbright project on discrimination and educational challenges of Atayal aboriginal students, my family and cultural background, my professional history, and my research interests. My students and friends helped me with the new vocabulary and pronunciation. I showed various slides on powerpoint to match my speech. The faculty generously laughed at my jokes, were very forgiving with my mistakes, and seemed to appreciate my effort. I was really nervous but I am so proud I did it.


  1. Fantastic achievement! I am sure you did a great job. After the speech did you have to keep up the Mandarin or could you revert back to English?

    1. Thanks so much! I went back to English but got some comments later in Mandarin that were hard to understand but I did my best.

  2. Nice job! That's so inspiring to hear that you're challenging yourself and continuing to learn so much on this trip. I hope to be a life-long learner too.
